You haven´t got a Corporate Card, yet?
With an American Express Corporate Card you benefit from
- cashless payments when travelling
- prolonged payment terms
- insurance package
- various online services
- exclusive offers and savings
- 24/7 customer service
Note to HOCHTIEF applicants: The participation in the AX loyalty scheme "Membership Rewards" is not allowed for compliance reasons.
Apply for your Corporate Card here and choose your entity:
HOCHTIEF Aktiengesellschaft - 023424204000200
HOCHTIEF Engineering GmbH - 023424230000200
HOCHTIEF Infrastructure GmbH - 023424220000200
HOCHTIEF Insurance Broking and Risk Management Solutions GmbH - 023424315000200
HOCHTIEF PPP Solutions GmbH - 023424227000200
Deutsche Bau- und Siedlungsgesellschaft mbH - 023424222000200
NEXPLORE Technology GmbH - 023424249000200
Trinac GmbH - 023424241000200
HOCHTIEF Schweden – 1693800033
Important note: Please do not enter letters in the field "Personalnummer", use only 8 figures. Replace letters with zero, e.g. Instead P12345 key in 00012345
1. Open link to application form for your company.
Please note: If you apply for a fast lane ("eilige Kreditkarte") card production, please get an approval of your teamleader for applying fees beforehand.
2. Identification required as described.
3. The approval of your application will be done online once application and ident completed.
Please consider 7-10 working days for production&postage once submitted. Other questions to American Express pls use the number shown on the reverse of your card: Customer Service +49 (0)69 9797-1000

To complete the application you just need some minutes.
Please keep in mind that the application needs a signature from an approver within your company as well as an identification (via PostIdent, Company internal or BankIdent).
Please plan 10-15 working days for preparing a chipcard after application and identification have been completely submitted.