Dear Corporate Card members,
This website contains all you need to know about your American Express Corporate Card. Your Corporate Card gives you extended payment terms and comes with an insurance package. Please read on to discover even more benefits, such as special offers and services:
- make cashless payments when travelling
- exclusive offers and savings
- 24/7 customer service and Global Assist
- various online services
To find out more on your Card benefits, please see on the left hand navigation.
Please call the number on the reverse of your card for any questions relating to your American Express Corporate Card.
For any questions relating to your Corporate Card and your company, please contact the travel management, Daniela Bauer via +49 (0)2191 18-3989
To book all travel related services (e.g. flights, trains, hotels, rental cars) you can contact our travel agency BCD Travel via +49 (0)2191 89 08 250
The information within this website does not modify or supersede the terms of your Card account agreement. In the event of inconsistencies, the terms of the Card account agreement shall prevail.

Card Applications
Card Applications can be found online. Please visit the site "Not yet cardmember?" and chosse the relevant application.
Vaillant Group Messages
Click here to learn more about the travel guidelines of Vaillant Group.
To book flights and trains, please contact our travel office on +49 (0)2191 89-08250.
For any questions about claiming back your travel costs, please contact Frau Arndt on +49 (0)2191 18-3419.
Your card must be activated before you can withdraw cash from an ATM using your Corporate Card. Please fill in the new Express Cash form, which is available here. For more information please visit the site "Express Cash". Please download the form and open it with a PDF viewer.